
Accelerating wheat breeding using genetic resources and genomic information

ゲノム配列は現代の生物学の一番大切なインフラストラクチャーとも言えます。私たちは、国際コンソーシアムに参画してパンコムギ(Triticum aestivum)の標準品種Chinese Springのゲノム配列を世界で初めて決定しました。引き続いて、多品種のゲノム配列を決定する国際プロジェクトに参画して比較ゲノム解析の基盤を築いています。他の作物やモデル植物と遜色なく、コムギを材料として育種学研究や分子生物学研究を展開できる時代が到来しました。長いコムギの研究史を反映して、おもしろい生命現象に関するたくさんの知見が集積しています。今こそ、コムギを材料として研究を始めるべき時です!

Genome sequence is the most important infrastructure for modern biological researches. We have laid the foundation for comparative genomic analyses in this crop through genomic sequencing of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars. We will be able to carry out various breeding and molecular biological researches on wheat, just like any other crops or model plants. Reflecting a 100-years history of modern wheat research, a pile of knowledge about interesting biological phenomena such as polyploid evolution and genome dynamics is accumulated in wheat. Why don’t you start wheat research now?
Prior to modern breeding, there were landraces cultivated in small region around the world. Wheat lines that have dispersed eastward from their origin are not extensively used for modern breeding. We wish to contribute to world wheat breeding through evaluation of the genetic diversity of the world's landraces, and generation of a set of experimental strains that enables genetic analysis of important agronomic traits of East Asian wheat.

A quest for the factors that enhance efficient breeding process


Plant breeding is the planned genetic improvement of plants. In breeding, human beings have applied selective pressure to living organisms instead of nature. Selection pressure is on the phenotype of the organism. Phenotypic variation is generally understood by sum of variations given by genotype, environmental factors and their interactions. Plant breeding mainly manipulates genotypes of organisms to achieve the ideal phenotype as a crop.
We are tackling the following issues to improve the efficiency of breeding. (1) We are conducting research on the mechanism of recombination with the aim of artificially controlling the recombination frequency. (2) We are addressing molecular function of the genes that causes a structural rearrangement of the chromosomes in wheat. (3) To evaluate the contribution of genotype to phenotype correctly, we are collaborating with other research groups to develop methodology to accurately describe the phenotype using modern technologies.

Soybeans are choosy about nodule bacteria

植物は、根圏にすむ微生物と共生し、互いに有益な関係を形成しています。例えば、ダイズは根からイソフラボンを分泌することによって根粒菌を呼び寄せ、根粒 を形成させます。根粒は、窒素固定を行い、ダイズは固定された窒素を自らの成長に活用します。ダイズと根粒菌の良好な共生関係は、肥料の投与を減らし、結果と して地球への負荷を軽減します。2015年に国連で採択された持続可能な開発(SDGs)が唱える「ハイインプット・ハイアウトプット型の農業からの脱却」へ の足掛かりになるかもしれません。
当育種学分野では、ダイズ品種によって着生する根粒菌種の比率が異なるを端緒として、ダイズー根粒菌間の親和性に関わるダイズ側の遺伝因子を探しています。 ダイズの交雑系統を供試して系統ごとに着生する根粒菌種の比率を調査し、QTL(量的形質遺伝子座)の解析を行いました。京都府内の3か所の土壌を用いました が、効果の大きいQTLが同じ染色体領域に検出されました。根粒菌の着生を抑制する遺伝子は既に報告されていましたが、それらとは異なる新たな遺伝因子があるようです。まだ、ダイズ2品種でみられる多様性と限られた地域の土壌でしか、この現象を調査していません。現在は、ダイズ品種と根粒菌種の共生関係について、さらなる多様性を、品種と土壌を変えて調査しています。

Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important crops in the world. The use of legumes in biofuel production will further increase the economic impact of soybean. Enhancing the efficiency of biological nitrogen fixation by improving legume-rhizobium symbiotic relationships is one of the most efficient ways, as it has a lower cost and smaller environmental impact, to increase the productivity of legumes, including soybean and to continue sustainable agriculture. Soybean plants establish symbiotic relationships with soil rhizobia to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Understanding this genetic interrelationship is important for developing strategies to improve the agronomic potential of root nodule symbiosis in agriculture. QTL analysis of soybean recombinant inbred lines (RILs) in three different field soils and identified the indigenous rhizobia nodulating each line identified one QTL region with a highly significant additive effect.

Reveal the regulation mechanism of crop development

また、動物が子供から大人へと成長するように、植物も子供(Juvenile phase)から大人(Adult phase)へと成長し、これに伴い様々な形態的・生理的変化が生じます。このような成長を制御するキーファクターとしてmiR156miR172という2つのmicro RNAが知られていますが、近年私たちはイネの新たな制御因子を発見しました。これらの因子を解明することで、作物のJuvenile phaseやAdult phaseについての理解を深めたいと考えています。

Almost all of vegetables and fruits in the grocery stores are improved varieties called “cultivated varieties”, which possess better appearance, taste, and yield than wild races. For example, wild rice will sow its seeds after ripening by shattering, but this character is already lost in the cultivated varieties for it decreases the yield. In addition, rice yield has been highly increased by the modification of plant height, leaf angle, and number of tillers. The genetic mechanisms that control these crop developments are not fully understood, thus we are trying to reveal the function of genes involved in crop development by utilizing induced mutation and/or genome edition.
Just like animal grows from baby to adult, plant developmental phase also transits from juvenile to adult phase, accompanied by a variety of morphological and physiological alteration. It is well known that two microRNAs, miR156 and miR172, play pivotal roles in this phase transition, and we newly found novel regulators of phase transition in rice. We hope to deepen the understanding of juvenile and adult phase in crops by analyzing these regulators.

京都大学大学院農学研究科 育種学研究室
Laboratory of Plant Breeding,
Graduate School of Agriculture,
Kyoto University

Oiwake-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
606-8502 JAPAN

TEL 075-753-6045 / FAX 075-753-6047
